Manuel Salas, CEO of the company Aguilar y Salas closes 2015 with an assessment of the O&G sector

The president of the company highlights the factors involved in the manufacturing and sale of its equipment, and the influence of oil prices on demand for manufactured components of Aguilar y Salas. He also analyzes the liquefied gas sector and the consolidation of his factory in Recife, Brazil.

Barcelona 09 December, 2015 – Manuel Salas, Aguilar y Salas’ CEO, specialized company in the design and construction of equipment for the chemical, O&G, fertilizers and energy industries, performs an analysis of the 2015 O&G sector and an internal review of the company. In 2015 Aguilar y Salas has participated in more than a dozen projects for the manufacture of equipment for production plants in different sectors, and has earned two certifications that guarantee the quality of their equipment.

In early 2015, Aguilar y Salas created a joint venture with Copisa and CT Engineering Group called Modularity, in order to produce modular structures and components for the petrochemical industry with the objective of optimizing the time of manufacture, assembly and customer delivery. Also along this year the company has continued its participation in international projects around the world, which has allowed the consolidation in the sector, the opening of new markets such as the liquefaction of natural gas, and the obtaining of certifications on occupational safety and environmental management.

«This year has been quite complex in the petrochemical industry with lower oil prices. And according to recent forecasts, by 2016 this trend will continue», said Manuel Salas about the evolution of oil prices published by organizations as the World Bank. The oil industry forecasts that the prices of barrel will remain stuck around $52 because of excess oil and the weakening of the demand.

Aguilar y Salas announced last November the signature of a new contract with a German engineer for new projects in EUA and Canada, valued in 6 million euros with an option for a second phase of 4 million.

«Regarding our factory in Brazil, Aguilar y Salas has consolidate the capacity, and is planning on fabrication projects for the United States, thanks to reduce transport costs and its know-how applied to the manufacture of equipment for petrochemical, paper, chemical, gas and other related sectors», concludes Manuel Salas.

About Aguilar y Salas:

Aguilar y Salas S.A. is a family leading company in the design and construction of equipment in high and medium pressure, manufactured with special materials and alloys. Since 1947, the company has developed its activity in Spain, being their export capacity the key of its success. More than 90 percent of their annual billing is sold worldwide. Recently the company has opened a new production unit in Recife (Brazil) with an investment of more than 22 million Euros. Nowadays, Aguilar y Salas S.A employs more than 200 people and has a turnover of more than 35 million Euros.

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Press Contact:

BlaNZ Marketing y Comunicación, S.L.
Rafaela Almeida – Marketing & PR Manager
Rambla de Catalunya 120 4o 4a
08008 – Barcelona – (España)
T. +34 93 528 57 89 | Fax: +34 93 528 76 13

Aguilar y Salas, S.A
Eulàlia Salas – Business Development
Pol. Industrial Pla de Llerona
C/Irlanda, s/n/
08520 – Les Franqueses del Vallès, Barcelona (España)
Tel. +34 93 861 70 70 | Fax. +34 93 840 04 90