Aguilar y Salas reaches a turnover of 33,8 million euros in 2015

After closing the last fiscal year, the company values its economic evolution during the last period and announces its forecast for the year 2016.

Barcelona, March, 09th of 2016 – Aguilar y Salas, company specialized in design and construction of equipment for the chemical, oil & gas and fertilizers’ industries, announces, after closing the fiscal year of 2015, that increased its total annual turnover up to 33,8 million euros, despite the remarkable drop of oil prices. In addition, the company has increased its presence in other sectors, achieving an export volume of 85% of the turnover. In Brazil the results are also highly positive since the turnover of the South American company has increased to 21 R$ million, in comparison to the 4 R$ millions of 2014, continuing with the export trend from Brazil to the rest of the American continent.

Aguilar y Salas expects to continue growing due to the diversification of markets, after enhancing its presence in sectors such as gas liquefaction, paper industry and fertilizers. The forecast for 2016 in the Brazilian country is to reach the 7,5 million euros (30 R$ million), increasing the number of manufactured equipment and exports to other countries in Latin America, also benefited by low logistics costs.

The most demanded equipment by the costumers for 2015 were in this order: heat exchangers, columns, skids and reactors. Each and every one of them are made with resistant and special materials using special alloys as Superduplex or titanium that make their equipments highly resistant to high pressures and high temperatures.

«We are extremely satisfied with the results achieved last year. Despite the complicated situation of the Oil&Gas industry due to the variations in the price of crude oil, we have been able to maintain our turnover by opening new markets. The positive outlook for this year in terms of the liquefied natural gas (LNG) market, as well as other industries such as the paper and fertilizers, make us anticipate a very positive year», said Manuel Salas, CEO of Aguilar and Salas, S.A.

About Aguilar y Salas:

Aguilar y Salas S.A. is a family leading company in the design and construction of equipment in high and medium pressure, manufactured with special materials and alloys. Since 1947, the company has developed its activity in Spain, being their export capacity the key of its success. More than 90 percent of their annual billing is sold worldwide. Recently the company has opened a new production unit in Recife (Brazil) with an investment of more than 22 million Euros.

Nowadays, Aguilar y Salas S.A employs more than 200 people and has a turnover of more than 30 million Euros.
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